A Bit About Me!

Well hello there! My name is Clair Macdonald (my middle name is Elizabeth if you want to be very fancy) and I’m a photographer in Glasgow.

Here I am on a recent shoot showing that that I’m a photographer with my big camera and my love for The Beatles too.

I live in Glasgow and I absolutley love it! It’s the most magical place in my opinion, with incredible people, venues and sights to see. Most of all though, I love Scotland and I’m so proud to call myself Scottish, it’s an amazing country and I feel that I’ll always be here, wherever I end up in the future.

I live with my lovely flatmate Kirsty, (who is the most amazing professional singer if you need one! Here is her page!) and she is like the big sister that I never had and I’m very grateful for her! I also sing with her from time to time (you will see my face on her page), which I love and I’m a harmony singer at heart, so I like to add that element to performance where I can.

Kirsty and I at a recent concert!

What else do I love? Well, I love dogs (especially corgis), I love YouTube and watching my favourite channels on there, I love documentaries and learning more about anything I can, I love trying new foods and seeing new places too, I love acting and want to join an Am Dram club at some point and of course I love meeting my brilliant friends and having deep chats (I’m a major rambler and honest chatter).

Me in my happy place - in an amazing restaurant (Roastit Bubbly Jocks in Partick) with a brilliant roast!

I am so excited to be starting my business and get out there and taking many lovely photographs! But the real question I feel is, why photography and why now? Well, I studied photography in my teens and I had a major passion for it. Then, life threw me through a bit of a loop and my life went in a different direction. I am grateful for this though, as the different direction I went in was music. I absolutely love music and it’s always going to be a major passion of mine. I love singing and was part of a choir, which I then led for a few years and loved. I’m also learning the piano at the moment on a very basic basis (meaning I am by no means going to be a virtuoso anytime soon), mostly so that I can play whilst singing at church and sing generally too. Meanwhile, over the years photography has still always been there as a real love of mine and I’ve done a few shoots and did some favours over that time with photography too. I recently decided to bite the bullet and go for it! Life is short and I believe you should do what you love as much as humanly possible. So I hope you enjoy following my journey and seeing where I go on this crazy adventure!




Pat Duncan- Art Studio