My Top 5 Favourite Albums
If you couldn’t tell already, I absolutely love music! Music is one of lives essential things for me and I really don’t know what I would do without it. So I thought I would recommend 5 albums that I love the most (which isn’t very easy for me!)
I actually don’t often sit and listen to a full album when it first comes out (which is quite bad, I should do it much more often), so when I do, I know that I really must love either the artist or be very excited about the album. To be fair though, a lot of the music I listen to, I wouldn’t have been born to listen to when it first came out, so there’s that!
If you click on the title of the album and the artist’s name above the photos then the link will take you to Spotify, so that you can have a listen yourself! Definitely check all of these out after you have read my reasons to do so!
#1 Rumours- Fleetwood Mac
I really do feel like this one goes without saying, that’s how famous and influential this album is and was. It came out in 1977 and it’s still in so many of the population’s top 5 albums. This is a dream of an album with whimsical and beautifully crafted hits, that create an amazing atmosphere when played in rooms all over the world. The details of each song like the lyrics and the intricate musical choices are incredible. If somehow you have missed this album, then I would strongly suggest you listen to it! They may have fought like cats and dogs but they certainly knew how to write a masterpiece of an album.
Favourite Song?
“The Chain” is undoubtedly one of the coolest songs in the world and I love it very much! I’m sure you will have heard it before even if you don’t think you have!
Favourite Lyrics?
“Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light”
“The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac
#2 Fleet Foxes- Fleet Foxes
I promise all of these don’t all contain “Fleet”! This album isn’t nearly as well known as Rumours, but it is absolutely incredible. It’s so beautiful and nostalgic for me. I listened to it at a great time in my life, which helps too, and it’s only natural to associate an album with a particular time that you listen it in, but I’d recommend it anytime! I love Fleet Foxes and their style is absolutley my kind of vibe! So, if you haven’t listened to this album, I would highly recommend going from start to end in order, sitting back, relaxing and enjoying! It’s a great one for light background music too, which can come in handy!
Favourite Song?
This is a really hard one! The album comes as a whole great package for me, but I have a soft spot for “Ragged Wood”. Musically it is brilliant and it’s a classic for me!
Favourite Lyrics?
“Spring is upon us, follow my only song
Settle down with me by the fire of my yearning
You should come back home, back on your own now”
“Ragged Wood” by Fleet Foxes
#3 Tapestry- Carole King
I feel quite biased about this one, as I did a concert with the lovely Kirsty Duncan and some more amazing musicians this year (2023) where we performed this album as well as some of Carole King’s other amazing songs. Here is a link to a clip of one of those concerts! As far as full albums go though, this is an absolute triumph. In fact, it’s likely that you have heard this, as it’s quite the classic. If not though, definitely go and give it a listen right now!
Favourite Song?
Again, this is difficult! There are so many classics on here, but I love “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” particularly, because I’m a harmony singing girl at heart, and there is some beautiful harmony to be heard in this song (and many others to be fair)!
Favourite Lyrics?
“Is this a lasting treasure? Or just a moments pleasure?
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
Will you still love me tomorrow?”
“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?” by Carole King
#4 24K Magic- Bruno Mars
This is a very different choice than the other albums on this list, I am so aware! My music taste really jumps all over the place and I love a lot of different types of music. This is such a fun one! I love to dance around like a crazy person to this one. Bruno Mars is unbelieveily talented, and his voice is out of this world! If you haven’t watched his Superbowl Performance video, I would highly suggest you watch that (after you have read this of course!) I love 70’s music, and I feel like this is such a call back to the Soul music of that point in time. I waited for this album when it first came out and I played it in my living room all the way through and freaked out at how good it was. It is highly suggestive, some songs more than others, so be warned if you don’t like the cheeky stuff as much!
Favourite Song?
There are some absolute bangers on here as I’ve said, but “Calling All My Lovelies” is definitely my favourite! The addition of Hallie Berry’s voice on the track was unexpected but not unwanted! There is a particular moment with the most incredible harmony that makes me sing and say “woooo” every time! I’ve listened to this song the most I would imagine!
Favourite Lyrics?
“Honey pie, I’m far too fly to be on standby”
“Calling All My Lovelies” by Bruno Mars
#5 Future Forever- Jonathan Ogden
Whether you are a Christian or not, if you like a relaxed vibe, you will love this! Jonathan is an incredible artist, who puts so much love into every bar of his music. He produces independently and he does an amazing job too! I went to see him in concert in Edinburgh recently, and it was one of the best concert experiences I’ve ever had. He is an absolute gem of a human!
Favourite Song?
This might actually be the hardest to choose from. Again, I feel like it’s a whole album experience. I love “Keeper”, the first song as it sets up the album so beautifully. It really sets the tone and shows you exactly what you are in for as you listen! But I also love “Living Water” and “One Day” is the one that I have stuck in my head the most!
Favourite Lyrics?
“So, let your words, like water, rain upon my heart. Turn it into something beautiful”
“Garden” by Jonathan Ogden
I really hope that you learned about an album that you will love for the future! I love to be introduced to new music, so if you have a recommendation, please do leave it in the comments and I will check it out!