Refuel 2023

Well, it’s been a busy few weeks! The main event over this time was going to Refuel 2023! What an exciting opportunity! I thought I would write a bit about my experience and I’ll be tagging some brilliant people throughout so that you can check them out to see more about them.

In case you need some quick info about it, Refuel is a Christian festival that has been going since 2017 at Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the River Spey, in the Scottish Highlands. It is a beautiful place to have a festival and I was so happy to be able to explore new territory (as I always am). Worship leaders and speakers come from all over the world to do talks or provide music for the festival goers.

The set up!

Honestly, I didn’t know much about the festival and I had never been to a festival before (or camping for that matter), but when I got sent the post about the Refuel I thought “why not?” and I messaged them. When I speak about it now like this it’s intimidating to think about, but I’m so of the mind set of take your opportunities to grow and to learn as much as possible, even if it throws you out of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is not always a good place to be and it can stop you from making the most out of life and exploring more of the world. So I sent the email and not long after that I had everything I needed to head off!

The tent situation!

I set off in a beautiful motor home (also a new experience) and started a nearly 4 hour journey (which was a whole lot better in a motor home than a car)! The beautiful Scottish scenery helped with being in a vehicle for so long. Once we got there the set up day mostly consisted of navigating a motor home through a one way system (luckily not my job), trying to set up a tent (which was basically me staring at a tent for 10 minutes not knowing where to start and a lovely lady coming and putting it up for me) and settling into my new home for the next few days.

The brilliant Jeff speaking on the stage

Day one was so exciting, especially with having not been to the festival before and only having so much knowledge about what was going to happen. The singing was incredible thanks to Ali McFarlane and Allan McKinlay particularly for being on worship twice everyday together (with an incredible band) and doing their own individual slots too. I eventually got to know how to use my borrowed portable cooker too! I’ve got some great friends who helped me by giving me their equipment and it’s only because of that, that I was able to go. So if you are reading this thank you!

Ali and Allan providing that sweet worship

I loved this lovely woman waving flags at the front, they made for great pictures!

Day two was full of caffeine, Redemption Arc and a brilliant songwriting workshop. I’ve been feeling recently that I need to get into writing some songs, so it couldn’t have come at a better time! I have a lot more knowledge now than I did before, so that’s always helpful! I also had a lovely night with some friends. Deep conversation and wine go hand in hand… right?

One half of Redemption Arc!

The incredible Redemption Arc performing!

I love the pure joy in this photo!

On day three there was writing and filming for Sanctuary First, dogs and an amazing campfire at night, where there was energetic singing and amazing instrument playing. It was so nice to get some pictures and then put the camera down and join in!

So many dogs!!

The campfire of dreams!

It looks nice and warm but the campfire was really heating us up on a deceptively cold day!

The last full day was day four and there was painting, a rave and saying goodbye. The rave was so much fun, it felt like a moment to really let go and be free. It was a memorable experience!

Capturing the end of a flag!

The Refuel Rocks stage where many amazing artists were discovered!

Overall, the experience was incredible! I learned so much and I met so many amazing people too! The atmosphere of kindness and generosity was overwhelming, if you needed help with anything or needed anything in general, you knew you could just go to anyone and they would help. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces and to hear so many “hellos” as you walked by everyone. If you want to see more from my experience, then head over to my Instagram to see my daily Reels throughout my time at the festival and some more photos too!

Thanks for reading!




My Top 5 Favourite Albums


Pat Duncan- Art Studio